Chiefeater Review


Soon Wah Seafood Fish Head Hot Pot

Post by Chiefeater Steven C T Tea

今天天气凉凉,想吃火锅晚餐暖胃一下!喜欢到吧生百家利区Berkeley 的二十几年老字号海鲜饭店吃鱼头炉,那美味的魅力,将我的味蕾深深吸引住。用鱼骨熬成的高汤,放入大石斑鱼头,白菜,番茄,芋头条,紫菜和茼蒿菜,再用火炉滚烫。。 就如吃火锅一样,还可以加料一起吃。

Soon Wah Seafood Fish Head

Soon Wah Seafood Fish Head

Soon Wah Seafood Fish Head

The weather was cool today, so I had a hot pot dinner to warm my stomach! I like to go to the 20-year-old seafood restaurant in Berkeley, Klang to eat fish head hot pot. The delicious charm deeply attracts my taste buds. Use the broth made from fish bones, add the big grouper head, cabbage, tomatoes, taro strips, seaweed and chrysanthemum, and then boil it in the stove. . Just like eating hot pot, you can also add ingredients to eat together.

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Opens Daily
11:30 am to 02:15 pm
05:00 pm to 10:15 pm

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